Damodar Kunda And Muktinath Trekking

Damodar Kunda And Muktinath Trekking


23 DAY




Moderate to Strenuous


Breakfast in Kathmandu and all the foods during trekking


Private Vehicle / Aeroplane

A holy Lake Damodar Kunda is in Upper Mustang area of Nepal. It is Northern Himalayan range of Annapurna. Damodar Kunda lies in an altitude of 4890 meters. Lake is a famous holy place for Hindu people. It is area of Tibetan plateau landscape to the remote area of Nepal near from Tibet. It is believed that people should reach once in a lifetime and take a holy bath here. Bath in Damodar Kunda takes away from all sins done in a previous and current lifetime. The main source of Gandaki River is Damodar Kunda. It is also a good place to find Shaligram. Damodar Kunda in Upper Mustang is a restricted area of Nepal government. A special permit is applied in this trekking area.

23 days Damodar Kunda and Muktinath Trekking are including sightseeing in major places of Kathmandu and Pokhara. We take the short flight to Jomsom from Pokhara and reach Muktinath. Muktinath is the god of salvation and famous pilgrimage places for Hindu and Buddhist. It lies in a foot of Annapurna Himalayan range. We reach Lo – Manthang by crossing several typical Tibetan villages. Lo – Manthang is the capital of the local kingdom. Known as ancient kingdom Lo – Manthang is rich in oldest monasteries with Buddha painting which are built in centuries back. Panoramic Himalayan views, ancients monasteries, Holy temples, Synthesis cultures of Nepalese and Tibetan are a major attraction of Damodar Kunda and Muktinath Trekking.

Trek arrangement is with full camping. The regular trekking way of Upper Mustang is full facilities of guest houses and restaurants. Damodar Kunda and Muktinath Trekking follow off the beaten path from Upper Mustang Trekking. Some places of this trekking are not facilitated with guesthouses. This trekking plan goes with camping on the entire trip. Touch Kailash Travel team manages a professional working team with all tented camp and freshly cooked foods in the entire trekking.

The best season of Damodar Kunda and Muktinath Trekking is from March to October. Rest of the months November to February is cold and trekking might difficult with snow in the path and in some high passes. Raining season of Nepal (June – August) is better to organize this trekking. Since Upper Mustang is rain shadow area, there is less raining even in raining season. Land becomes more beautiful after getting slight rain in that area. There is special fair in every year August full moon day in Damodar Kunda.

Day 01 Arrive at Kathmandu (1350m) Transfer to Hotel. Overnight

Touch Kailash representative will pick up you from International airport and transfer to hotel. It is just 20 minutes driving from International airport to your hotel. if time permits, we talk about the trip and your equipment.

Day 02 Kathmandu Sightseeing. Overnight at Hotel

We prepare your upper mustang restricted area permit. Handover your original passports and other needful documents. you will proceed for sightseeing in major places in Kathmandu valley. A famous Hindu Temple, Biggest Buddhist Stupa and Old king palace which are all listed in UNESCO heritage. back to Hotel and stay in the trip briefing with your guide, cooks and other teams.

Day 03 Drive to Pokhara (6 Hours - 827m) Overnight at Hotel

After your early breakfast in the Hotel, we start driving to Pokhara. you also have the option to take the private car or take 25 minutes flight from Kathmandu. reach Pokhara and check in Hotel. Evening walking tour at lakeside Pokhara.

Day 04 Fly to Jomsom Airpoirt (2743m) and trek to Kagbeni (3 Hours - 2800m) Overnight at camp

Early in the morning 15 minutes flight from Pokhara to Jomsom. 3 hours of walking reach at Kagbeni village. Kagbeni is the typical village with the oldest Monasteries and Tibetan styles of houses. late afternoon exploration at surroundings and overnight.

Day 05 Trek Kagbeni to Chele (6 Hours - 3050m) Overnight at camp

followed along the bank of Kaligandaki. We pass through the villages of Tangbe and Chunksang. We need to come across a bridge over Kaligandaki and ascend abruptly for around 35 minutes to reach Chele Village. We will be staying overnight at Chele.

Day 06 Trek Chele to Syangboche (7 Horus - 3475m) overnight at Camp

We pass several high passes Taklam La (3240m.), Baga La, Yemdo pass (4000m.) and Dzong La (3550m.). In a while, you will be walking through fascinating communities of Samar, Yemdo, and Bhona. On the way, we relax along the surrounding of cool streams and juniper trees. We also pass by a cave famously known as Ramchung Cave.

Day 07 Trek Syangboche to Ghaymi (6 Hours - 3520m) Overnight at Camp

We pass a few tea houses and reach at Yamda La pass (3,850m), chortens and local villages which is like Tibetan style of houses with open Varanda. We cross mountain passes and an avenue of poplar trees and fields of Barley. The climb to Nyi Pass (4,010m) again would be a little longer. Descend to our overnight stop at Ghaymi. Ghaymi is the third largest village in the Lo region.

Day 08 Trek Ghaymi to Charang (5 Hours - 3550m) Overnight at camp

Trek today provide marvellous views of the landscape the tender curve of the north and the irregular mountain gorge in the east-west. Charang, a large thicken village inhabitant of people of Lo, actually of Tibetan origin. The adjacent Gompa and aged monastery are supposed to be around 500 years old which are enclosed by several finest religious wall paintings.

Day 09 Trek Charang to Lo - Manthang (6 Hours - 3700m) Overnight at camp

we enter today to a capital region on Upper Mustang. On the way trek to Lo-Mangthang, we see a magnificent view of Nilgiri, Tilicho, Annapurna I and Bhrikuti peak. lo - Manthang is a small village covered with wall to protect from heavy wind. A village is connecting with Tibetan border

Day 10 Explore Lo - Manthang. Overnight at Camp

Visit Namgyal Gompa and Tingkhar, which are important monasteries in local community. we also visit Raja Palace of Lo - Manthang. Exploration picturesque landscape as well as surrounding panoramic views of the Himalaya. you also can visit more places if your interest and time permits.

Day 11 Trek Lo - Manthang to Yara (7 Hours - 3530m). overnight at camp

Trekking trail steadily climbs two small passes before plunging through a spectacular canyon to Dhi village. After leaving Dhi, we continue along the river bed to Yara and Luri Gompa. Luri is a 13th century cave monastery that jealously guards some rare Pala style paintings of Buddhists mahasiddhas.

Day 12 Trek Yara to Ghuma Thanti (7 Hours - 4800m) Overnight at camp

we visit attractive Luri Monastery and cross a 5100 miter high pass. After high pass our trail goes down to Ghuma Thanti. 7 hours of walking also meets lots of other small monasteries. Since we do not find suitable place to cook our lunch, we plan to bring pack lunch from our morning camp.

Day 13 Trek Ghuma Thanti to Damodar Kunda (10 Hours - 4890) Overnight at Camp

Long day walking today with lots of ups and down. prepare and carry packed lunch, enough drinking water for today as well. we cross 5600 miter high pass on the way and reach at Damodar Kunda - The Holy Lake. Himalayas and Landscape is more scenic today.

Day 14 Explore and rest at Damodar Kunda. Overnight at Camp

Explore Damodar Kunda today. there are 3 lakes around, these are, Brahma Kunda, Rudra Kunda and Ananta Kunda. In Hindu culture bathing in Damoar kunda take out all the sins done in previous and current lives.

Day 15 Trek Damodar Kunda to Ghuma Thanti (8 Hours - 4800m) Overnight at camp

Trekking same way back today by passing 5600 miter high pass. it takes 2 hours lesser than your previous walk in this same route. Today total walking hours reduce by 2 hours because of reduce up hill and make long down hill.

Day 16 Trek Ghuma Thanti to Yara (7 Hours - 3530m) Overnight at Camp

Same way back again today to Yara from Ghuma Thanti. Most of the trekking trail goes all the way down. we also cross 5100-meter high pass on the way.

Day 17 Trek Yara to Tange (8 Hours - 3240m) Overnight at Camp

We prepare to start our trek early in the morning. Bring packed lunch for on the way today. it is long way walking with lots of ups and down. cross Dechhyang Khola (River) which is originally from Damodar Kunda. Tange lies in big plateau valley of Mustang with lots of memorial Chortern around.

Day 18 Trek Tange to Tetang (9 Hours - 3040m) Overnight at Camp

Today also we prepare to start our trek early in the morning. It is a long way of walking with lots of ups and down including lots of small passes. Our route generally ups until our lunch station. After Lunch all the way down to Tetang village. Heavy wind may make our walking little hard today.

Day 19 Trek Tetang to Muktianth (6 Hours - 3800m) Overnight at Camp

Our first part of trekking is kept acceding until one small pass then we enter and walk through the wild valley also crossing several local villages. Mani walls standing in between walking path and prayers wheels inside of this is interesting. we arrive at Muktinath and explore Muktinath temple, 108 holy taps around the temple, Jwalamukhi, and Monastery near at Hotel sides.

Day 20 Trek to Jomsom via Kagbeni village (5 Hours - 2720m) Overnight at Guest House

Trek all the way down to Jomsom today. On the way of our walking, we pass several typical villages like Jharkot, Kagbeni and Eklobhatti. Oldest monasteries and Tibetan style of houses along with a massive view of Nilgiri and Dhaulagiri Himalayan range. Arrive at Jomsom and overnight at a local guest house today.

Day 21 Fly back to Pokhara. Sightseeing in major places and Overnight at Hotel

Early in the morning, we fly back to Pokhara from Jomsom. Check in to the Hotel and rest. afternoon sightseeing in major places of Pokhara. International mountain museum, David fall, Gupteswor Mahadev and boating in Fewa Lake.

Day 22 Drive back to Kathmandu. Overnight at Hotel

We drive back to Kathmandu by tourist bus. we also have the option to take private transportation or take 25 minutes flight from Pokhara - Kathmandu. Transfer to Hotel and take rest.

Day 23 Departure

We transfer you to international airport in Kathmandu for your fly back to home.

  • All arrival and departure arrangement
  • Accommodations in Kathmandu and Pokhara, Hotel on twin sharing with breakfast
  • Private car, professional tour guide and entrance fees in Kathmandu and Pokhara sightseeing
  • Tourist bus Kathmandu – Pokhara – Kathmandu or Private transportation or flight
  • Annapurna conservation area permit
  • Upper Mustang restricted area permit
  • Accommodations in camp during trekking days, twin sharing tent
  • Three times foods and hot drinks during trekking days prepare by Touch Kailash team
  • Guide as a leader, cooking team and other supporting team in entire trip
  • Foods, Accommodation, Insurance, Salary and equipment for all these staffs
  • Camping material and kitchen equipment
  • Management of emergency evacuation in case of need
  • All service charges and government taxes
  • Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu and in Pokhara
  • Personal expenses, Bottled drinks, bar bills
  • Emergency evacuation management, personal insurance, medical expenses, personal expenses and tipping to staff

Recommendations for Yatra

Insurance for the trip
Embark on your Mount Kailash pilgrimage worry-free with our recommended Mount Kailash Travel Insurance. Tailored for the unique challenges of this sacred journey, it provides coverage for trip disruptions, medical emergencies, and unforeseen events. Prioritize your safety and peace of mind as you explore the spiritual wonders of Mount Kailash with our specialized travel insurance.
Health Precaution
High altitudes pose challenges like lower oxygen levels, inducing symptoms such as headaches, nausea, lethargy, and breathlessness. These affect everyone, regardless of age or fitness. Acclimatization is crucial; avoid tranquilizers and antibiotics. Slow down activities, rest frequently, and reduce talking. Walk slowly, keep loads light, and observe silence with a smile. Consume liquids, avoid sudden exertion, and protect against cold. Don't bathe in streams, protect against dust and sun, and follow experienced guides. Prioritize rest, hydration, and warm clothing during winter.
Communication and Network
Wi-Fi will be accessible in Kathmandu, but as we venture into the more secluded regions of Nepal, connectivity will be restricted. The tour guide will carry a satellite phone for emergency communication. Wi-Fi connection is more accessible in the Tibet region as well, while there are no such facilities in Mansarovar, and during the Parikrama. Options for e-sims are widely available in supported devices for cellular data, while mainstream social media including WhatsApp and Facebook are prohibited in China. The use of VPNs may allow for seamless communication with family back home.
Weather and Climate
During May to September, temperatures in Nepal and Tibet range from 10 to 22°C during the day. Despite the moderate daytime temperatures, the intense sun at high altitudes can create a much warmer sensation. Nighttime temperatures may drop significantly, reaching as low as -5°C.
Precautions and High Altitude
As altitude increases, the body requires time to adapt to lower oxygen levels through a process known as acclimatization. Proper acclimatization is crucial for maintaining health and ensuring a comfortable journey at high altitudes. Most individuals are affected by the reduced oxygen levels at elevations exceeding 2,500 meters. Diamox (Acetazolamide) has proven to be highly effective in facilitating acclimatization and countering High Altitude Sickness. Further details will be provided closer to the journey.
Physical Fitness
Please consult your doctor and undergo a medical examination before embarking on the Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar yatra. Given the high altitudes, it is advisable to begin exercises such as walking, jogging, yoga, and breathing exercises at least a month prior to ensure a successful journey.
Packing List

The Touch Kailash Team will be providing a Duffel Bag, a 25l Backpack, and a Down Jacket (on a refundable basis), upon your arrival in Kathmandu.


Carry a small waist pouch or document bag to organize essential documents:

  • Passport with photocopies.
  • Photographs.
  • Identity card.
  • Diary for addresses and contacts.
  • Ball pens with spare refills.
  • Maps/Charts/Books.
  • Travel cheques, credit cards & currency.
  • Airline/Railway tickets/vouchers.
  • Any other personal documents.
Common Items:
  • Big bag for equipment
  • Small light trek bag
  • Water bottle/Thermos flask (1 liter)
  • Enough clothing for the entire journey, including trek suits, leisure wear, jogging trousers, T-shirts, polar fleece, shirts, salwar kameez, etc.
  • Wool socks, thick tights, wool monkey cap, scarves, warm light gloves
  • Wool/thermal long underwear
  • Rainwear (umbrella or raincoat)
  • Sports comfortable shoes/trainers (Nike, Adidas, etc.) with a spare pair
  • A pair of light slippers
  • Toiletries kit (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toilet rolls, towels, etc.)
  • Sunscreen lotion/cream
  • Facial tissues, wet wipes
Camping Items:
  • Torch/candle/matchbox/lighter/batteries
  • Knife
  • Plastic mug
  • Dusk masks/face masks
Personal & General Items:
  • Regular medicines
  • Dark sunglasses
  • Favorite food for energy (nuts, biscuits, powdered juice)
  • Kapoor/Vicks/Inhaler, etc.
  • Binoculars/Camera/extra batteries
  • Milk powder for tea
First Aid Kit:
  • Typical backpacking kit for minor injuries
  • Diamox/Aspirin/painkillers
  • Lip balm/Mustard oil/Vaseline
  • Plasters
  • TCP, salt, mint, Vicks for sore throats
  • The Currency for Nepal is Nepalese Rupee, while there are options to exchange at the airport, you may find better exchange rates at the numerous exchange centers in the Thamel Market.
  • The Currency used in Tibet is the Chinese Yuan, US Dollars or other currencies are not accepted.
  • While US Dollars and major currencies, including Indian Rupees, are accepted in Nepal, this is not the case in Tibet. If you intend to convert your money to Chinese Yuan, you can do so either at international airports or in Kathmandu.
Accommodation and Amenities

This journey encompasses urban, rural, and remote areas in Nepal and Tibet, resulting in varying accommodations and amenities. Whether it's five-star hotels and guest houses or camping in the breathtaking Himalayan regions under the care of our staff, you can be confident that we will consistently offer the best possible facilities in every instance.

Passport Validity and Visas

All Travelers must ensure that their passport is valid for a minimum of 6 months from the date of tour completion.

  • Indian Passport Holders do not require a visa to enter Nepal.
  • All foreign Passport Holders can get their 30 days multiple entry visa to Nepal at the Kathmandu Airport, or online from the Nepal Immigration Website.
  • All Visas and Permits along with other needful documents for Tibet will be arranged by Touch Kailash Team.